About Lauren

Lauren_Henderberg_PhotoWho am I?  I am a young woman (36) who suffered severe emotional and physical trauma from the birth of my first born child at the age of 27.

Why am I writing this? This is a blog about a woman who is emerging from this trauma with the help of competent therapists, amazing medical interventions, and the support of family and friends.

What is my purpose? My purpose is to inform, empathize, and advocate.


  1. K Doolittle Said:

    Hey Lauren, I’m trying to pin your blog to my Pinterest board, but I keep getting an error that it can’t find any big images or videos to “pin.” Do you think you could put up a picture in each blog entry (or somewhere on your blog) so that people can easily share your blog on Pinterest?

  2. Nadia Said:

    Hi Lauren, I’ve been searching for a blog for awhile now that’s about life after a tear, but as you can imagine most mummy blogs don’t cover this topic. I had a forceps delivery with my first child and sustained a third degree tear which not only physically took me a long time to recover from and will never recover from, but mentally to. So thank you.

    • peace4lauren Said:

      Thanks for your comment. I am glad you found a place in which you can relate. I wish you the best of luck. -Lauren

  3. […] 2011, Henderberg began writing about her experience, and what started as a cathartic exercise evolved into a blog. “A lot of my friends […]

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